Tuesday 27 September 2016


Testimony From Nnamoko


I remembered vividly how a friend told me sometimes ago that i will be a failure in helping hands international. He gave me over 10 reasons why helping hands will fail and that i will not even make up to $50 in h2i.

He talked down on me. Mocked and laughed at me over and over again. But then, i refused to give up.
I remain focus and committed to my course.

I invited him to my car award, but he didn't show up. Guess what happened few days ago? he called me that he is now ready to join helping hands international and wants me to mentor and guide him to also succeed! What a life!

Now this is my Question: What would have happened if i had given up? What would have happened if i had listen to him and say no to this opportunity? There are many questions to ask, but let me stop here. Why am i writing this?

A lot of persons have failed in life because they listen to their friends,loved ones, Church members and even Pastors who knows nothing about their dreams and aspirations. Most of this persons discouraging you may be those who are afraid to take calculated risk in life. They wants you to remain in their level. They may not have dreams and are ready to kill yours.  Why listen to people who are failures? Why listen to a friend who has no future ambition? why?why?

This is what i do, a pray over every opportunity that comes my way. I swing into action immediately after i got the conviction in my spirit to proceed.

Just get to the bridge, how you gonna cross it is in Gods hand. Where there is a will, there is a way!
Always Remember," Any man who follows the crowd, cannot be follow by a crowd"
Many will not believe in you when you are struggling but will want to identify with you when you succeed and the evidence manifest. Such is human nature.

Pray and be a man/woman of decision! Don't be tossed about by every wind of opinion. You are accountable to your God and yourself.

If you are born poor, its not your fault, but if you die poor, then its your fault! Be wise!

This is just a little advice.

I am Nnaemeka Nnamoko(NMPRO)
Minister H2i Nation.

TESTIMONY From MrGlorious

It's my pleasure to share with you a wonderful testimony and charge from my friend, Minister Nnaemeka Nnamoko. Let's hear him:


I really appreciate the almighty God for the day i said Yes to Helping hands international. I never knew this is the medium God will use to change my life and rewrite the wrongs of my life

Many children of God prays so well, fast and give very well but they never take advantage of the opportunities God brought their ways.

Most times we give God conditions and expect him to bless us through a particular medium. We seems to forget that his ways are not our ways! We seems to forget that he knows the end from the beginning!

Most times God will not bless you from the area you expected it. Most people get stocked in a particular way and refused to change:  they say no to  opportunities because its doesn't appear the way they wanted it(Perhaps, its not putting on suit) and miss out in Gods blessings.

You can be a prayer warrior, fast for 30days/30nights but if you are not taking advantage of the opportunities and take calculated risk, you will still end up in financial quagmires.

Prayers doesn't change God but you! Prayers doesn't take away poverty but giving and working does.

Prayers gives you the confidence that God is with you, thereby facing every opportunity knowing that you will make it!

i joined helping hands international without even seeing fliers, without seeing laptop or really sure it will work. I just gave it a trial after praying about it, today, it has change my life.

Why not join helpinghands today?

Minister Nnaemeka Nnamoko(NMPRO)

APPENDIX: Below, you will find the links to Exclusive YouTube Videos recorded by Mr. Glorious during Minister NnaEmeka Nnamoko's Car Dedication/Thanksgiving Service at Assemblies of God, 91 Nelson Mandela Road, Calabar on Sunday, 9th October 2016. In attendance were 3 other fresh Ministers - Shafere Oghenetega Samuel, Best Edward and Pst. Nelly as well as several Help Partners. In the videos, he shared the testimony of his experiences in life and how God has changed his story through Helping Hands International.

Part 1 - https://youtu.be/KR1KfN6WZBU
Part 2 - https://youtu.be/k6Q2FRgo_ss
Part 3 - https://youtu.be/xecrqEz2GeE
Part 4 - https://youtu.be/esKrg9KxQpc
Part 5 - https://youtu.be/yN_tN7NRsa4
Part 6 - https://youtu.be/oyDp47DR1mk
Part 7 - https://youtu.be/FTEqgiQHZ4M
BONUS: https://youtu.be/PtXMKzKnwXQ
Happy Viewing...


Testimony From Segun Olanipekun


Yesterday was my 7th month anniversary in H2i (Helping Hands international), and looking @ what God has done for me through H2i, I have made #1,154,010 and 3laptops, 1 free trip to obudu cattle ranch. All in all, some people still ask me if the money is real.

Some few weeks back, I bought a plot of Land with my H2i money. I hope you won't wait for me to build it before you come on board.

I never thought this could happen at the beginning of this year. I don't know what could more real than this.

God bless the day I said yes to H2i, God bless my upline, my executive squad (team members) you made this Possible. 

And this is just the beginning because The Hyundai Creta SUV is next, thats what is on my mind.

If you still doubt H2i, don't worry, we will keep on showing you the good news and the goodies. 

I would advise you to come on board with just #6600, you can live a better life, have your own brand new car, build a house of your own.

Join H2i Today
God bless H2i. 
H2i rocks My world

Testimony From Dr. Okey"

The work of H2i and its' vocational training programmes are producing testimonies leaps and bounds.
Laptops winners are no more being counted and very soon we will also stop counting car winners.

However, what I consider most precious of all testimonies are those that have discovered their skills, talents and vocations through H2i skill training programmes. I am elated by the testimonies that keeps on coming to me often and on. I am grateful to God that I am part and parcel of this great vision and through me, He is producing captains of Industry.

My latest pride is Mrs. Amaka Obi of St. Emmanuel Anglican Church, Nike, Enugu. In the month of February this year, I was called by the Reverend in charge by name, Rev. Cannon Mekaowulu, young and  fervent, spirit filled who is now an Archdeacon, presiding priest of the Church to minister in his assembly on "Power to prosper". He gave me also freedom to talk about H2i and our skill acquisition training programme and that was it. I never in any way imagined that God arranged that meeting for a young married lady quarantined as full time house wife with no alternative skill.

After my ministration, which God honoured with his awesome presence and presentation of H2i programme, this young lady approached me to declare her interest in the skill acquisition programme but was confused on what skill to take. I did not know also why I should advise her to go for paint production knowing her status but I did and she also obeyed.

The training that took place in the month of May was an eye opener to her and only birthday gift I received, being my birthday week, without knowing I received anything.
With her husband full of doubt about the H2i programme, she also applied for BOI youth empowerment programme. Her husband seriously doubted it also, with cynicism, but she was selected by the Bank of Industry (BOI).

Today, Mrs. Amaka Obi is a beneficiary of Five Million Naira (N5,000,000.00) award from BOI and undergoing further entrepreneurship training to set up her own small scale paint production outfit in the next two months. What a God we serve.

From a full time house wife to a young entrepreneur and industrialist just because she dare to believe and rise above her limitations and doubts surrounding her.

Now, Amaka is not only talking about how she is going to make her new business a success in the hands of God, but also how to see that H2i vision is well propagated to reach any one that cares to listen and challenge his or her challenges.

I am proud of what God is doing with H2i programme. Is it people that have challenged themselves and delved into MLM business of H2i or those that have taken the skills they learnt to the next level? The results keep on multiplying. What are you waiting for?

You have good opportunity in your hand to get wealth and you are still being shy and withdrawn about it. The wealth you need is within you but the money you need to process the wealth is in the hands of the people around you. Do your own. Be faithful. Reach out and talk about H2i and see door of finance opened for you.

Some may deride you. Who cares? Your path to your destiny is not full of human applause but skepticism and thorns. It is a narrow path but if you can lay hold of the hand of God, who leads you and let your hidden potential manifest, you will be mesmerized by the results that will come across your way.

Amaka did not go home and kept quiet about H2i, she speaks about it wherever she finds herself. Today God has added to her testimony to make it look like her result in H2i programme is without much sweat. 

People now easily believe her when she speaks about H2i because she dares to break the limitation man placed on her, which  she initially accepted and nursed for a very long time.

Start today. Take your H2i programme and the skill you learnt serious.
If you are not yet a partner with H2i, call now and sign up with only N6,600. You will never regret it, unless you chose to.

I am 100% H2i and proud of it.

Testimony From Barr Nuela

After the Lagos award, I came back a different person, angry in the spirit, angry for success. I told my self next award, I must be there.

I started active marketing, told a child hood friend about it, she so insulted me and told "me I was a disgrace to my profession, how can an intelligent lawyer like me descend so low as to networking" and concluded by saying ...if want  our friendship to continue, I should never tell her about h2i, that she earns much as PRO in the Nigerian Custom.

That was the worst day of my life as I felt so bad,  but it was also the day if my life as it cause a holy anger inside of me and an inner hunger for success and result, there and then I resolved to get my result and prove her wrong.

Then the rules were changed for my sake that year as later in d year a promo was launched,

I started working towards it, but about a month to the end I lost hope that I will make it, to qualify for the Dubai trip and for the car.

But two(2) weeks to the end of promo, I suddenly became very restless, I can't sleep well, the only voice I was hearing was... U can't give up now, Calabar needs u to produce result so many can belief, if u fail, h2i will die a natural death in Calabar, resurrecting it might be very difficult, u gonna do this. Not for your sake alone, but for the sake all help partners in Calabar. 

I spoke to Dove who encouraged me. Spoke to Cashflow and he said if u are convinced u can make it, then go ahead. Then I have not known Obitex.

I spoke to my big Dollar wise who told Mt pop and plane that it was impossible, that I can't achieve Dubai, not to talk of car, But thank u my oga  because u further gave me the push I needed. Because I hate the word IMPOSSIBLE. Holy anger starred up inside of me, anger to get result...

With my friends comment and oga dollar wise, I had a reason to move on never to fail.

By December that year, I had qualified for my Dubai trip and my car. 
Thanks to my team members who where there all through to give me a shoulder to learn. Kachi,Soso, Awuna,Peace81,pearl my secretary etc

I became a proud owner of a tear-rubber and changed my Toyota pencil light, that marked a new beginning in my life. Advice, be deft to the people that say its impossible, and when you make up ur mind, be persistent, while u are persistent, be focused, have a goal and work towards it, let nothing else matter to u till u get to ur goal . Lastly, don't see people who say to u its impossible as enemies, rather use them as lather to climb and show that it's impossible.

Testimony From Minister Dabipet

Good morning great Partners. It's a beautiful new month, yesterday as I entered my SUV. .H2i became more Real forever. Like I will always say to my team members, follow your passion and dreams with greater passion. Think outside the box, you never can tell which of your newest strategy will shoot you up. I remembered around this time last year I came up with Linda ikeji advert of H2i with my team. We executed it and today that advert had produced over 4 supemasters. With  more to come around the same season last year I was a supemaster. Getting to stage 3 it was so lonely and so large that I ever thought it's almost an impossible task for me with my busy nature of work But the watch  word IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING kept me going. Team no excuse but results only.

Dear Partners and prospects, H2i is the best and second to none. If you are about giving up quit that mentality. It only looks large but it's achievable don't think of giving up. If you are a prospect. Biko register and thank me Later. Sure things it really feels good to be a young millionaire.
I love my new ride. H2i is a bae

Testimony From Mrs Adaobi Sandra

How giving away N6600 to the Helping Hands organisation made me over N100,000 last year while I was sleeping. Now that am Awake...Watch me smile to the Millions

My H21 Story

Two years ago someone sent me Helping Hands international (aka H2i) details, the only thing my eyes saw was that they help the less privileged.

I wasn't interested in every other thing.  I was soo so ooo rich then. You know what I mean! Out of the little I had, I joined donating N6600 wholeheartedly to the poor and paid no further attention.

My sponsor started telling me go and bring people, I said to her, Ma! I joined to help people, when I get people who reasons like me, I will bring them in.
As God would have it, I got someone  but failed all her questions, because she had a business mind while I had the giving mind towards the program. At last, not minding my inability to explain well,she registered.

I have only referred 4 persons since I joined because I didn't join with the mindset of Making BIG Money bla bla...

I joined to touch the hungry, naked etc and to put smiles on the faces of the down trodden. As God would have it, last year, despite my inactivity, I was suprised that my account earned me $600 not minding that I reluctantly signed in 4 persons. Incase you dont understand, $600 is over N100,000. To me, this is alot of money for me, for just donating N6600 and referring just 4 right persons to join me do same. Remember! I did this not to make money but to empower the poor. My discovery late last year shocked me to the bone. It was indeed amazing to me. Really really suprising. You see, to earn 100k  from such little step I reluctantly took is extraordinary. Do you know what it takes to make that kind of money in a conventional business? This must be the fulfillment of Gods word "Give and it shall be given back to you , good measure, pressing down and shaking over". I am so happy!.

You see, I have no prospecting room for u to say am doing this for business all this while, however, this year is a different story. I am fully out to explore this wonderful God given opportunity. The business person in me says Do It! So, you either join me now or watch me do it! By experience, I know the best option for you is to JOIN ME NOW!

The year is still fresh, and I have decided to explore the potential of financial freedom through H2i. I have suddenly discovered that Helping Hands Business model can make you and I smile to the bank in the millions while touching lives and empowering people.Lets do it together! I am ready to create millionaires from H2i this year. Join me in this campaign!

Dont waste much time like I did ignorantly. Join me and lets do something different. You can  start by sowing a seed of #6600 or N19800 into H2i and do the work with me.

The lesson here is that God fills an empty pot not a filled one.Then,I knew nothing about H2i, yet I never exercised the patience to know more. I only saw it as an opportunity to give to the less privileged not knowing that focusing on it can really give me a platform to touch many more lives and in return become so RICH. Now I know better and am gonna create millionaires this year with the speed of light with the Helping Hands international economic empowerment program , join me! Lets do it!

To the Millions!
H2i Strong Advocate

Monday 26 September 2016

Fact about helping hands international


H2i is a worldwide renowned NGO.

H2i is legally registered in Nigeria as an NGO at the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). Here is Helping Hands International CAC number: Rc1242747.

H2i is a humanitarian and philantrophic  organisation.

H2i is sponsored by renowned multinational organisations like Hyundai Motors, GAC Motors, Apple Inc; Hewlett Packard Inc; Lenovo, Glo, Diamond Bank. etc.

H2i is not a religious organisation but teaches religious tolerance by admonishing partners to be good ambassadors and best adherents of whatever faith they belong.

H2i is not a trading consortium but teaches members on trade and skill acquisition to be independent,  generate income and employment.

Membership with H2i is just N6600. Both artisans and professionals can afford it.
No buying and selling. How easy can that be?

H2i has more tools for marketing.

The H2i system operates in dollars, and in fixed rate. …fluctuations in exchange rate doesn't affect it.

The H2i compensation plan is very attractive (20% referral bonus.. and two other ways to earn are matrix bonus and matching bonus).

H2i payment system is automated and not human calculator.

H2i system pays instantly and not monthly.

There's No complicated rules in H2i like "you must buy products every month" or deadline for
referring someone, etc.

H2i has a robust rewarding incentive or package for its members growing from stages 1 to 5.

H2i is committed to eradication of poverty from the surface of the earth.

H2i helps the less privileged in the society through members.
  • In stage 2, you recommend 2 persons for free skill acquisition,
  • In stage 3, you recommend two for financial empowerment and
  • In stage 4, you recommend a motherless
  • Babies home for empowerment so you see the money doesn't go to a foreign pharmaceutical organisation but to indigenous countries who use this network.
H2i involves team work and an opportunity to build your leadership and
business skills.

H2i business is a rebranded Network marketing business and it's here to stay. It is a 21st century profession that has helped people to combine it with their careers.

In H2i, you can make it without renting of shop. You can organise/attend seminars whenever you chose to.

H2i centers are everywhere in different towns and cities in Nigeria and outside Nigeria.

In H2i, no LG council tax, no importation duties.

It is a business of relationships

Thursday 22 September 2016


Helping hands international rewards members in various ways.


You are paid REFERRAL BONUS when you introduce H2i empowerment opportunity to others and invite then to join.
You earn $8 (#1,320) for each person you refer.

If you refer 20 people for instance, you earn 20 * $8 - $160.


You are paid MATRIX BONUS as you grow in stages of membership. The following are Matrix bonuses you earn at each level and stage with just one account.

$10 (#1,650) for Stage 1

$100 (#16,500) for Stage 2 Lev 2
$200 (#33,000) for Stage 2 Lev 3
$300 (#49,500) for Stage 2 Lev4
$400 (#66,000) for Stage 2 Lev 5

Total of $1000 (#165,000) for Stage 2

Total of $3000 (#495,000) for Stage 3

Total of $6000 (#990,000) for stage 4

Total of $12,000(#1,980,000) for Stage 5

You can calculate how much matrix bonuses you stand to earn if you have more than one account with H2i


You're paid MATCHING BONUS when any of your referrals complete a Stage. The following are matching bonuses at each Stage.

*Stage 2 - 10% of $1000 -- $100
*Stage 3 - 5% of $3000 ---- $150
*Stage 4 - 5% of $6,000 --- $300
*Stage 5 - 5% of $12,000 -- $600

You can calculate how much matching bonus you'll earn if you have multiple referrals who complete each of the stages above.


You are given INCENTIVES by corporate sponsors when you complete each stage.

* *Stage 2 :- A brand new Hp Laptop or Apple iPad

* *Stage 3:- Hyundai Elantra or Hyundai ix25 SUV or GAC Motor

* *Stage 4:- Hyundai ix35 or GAC Motor


You enjoy H2i Services at each Stage:

** Stage1: Free Skill & Trade trainings put together by a team of partners at various locations 
** Stage3: Asset & property support services

**Stage 3: Empowerment fund of $2000 (N330,000) for 2 less privileged people of your choice. N165,000 for each person.

** Stage 4: Financial Empowerment Services- Access to business/project loan up to $44,000 (#7.2M) on request.

** Stage 5:- Scholarship Award Services , you receive education fund for 6 people( 2 of your own Children, 2 from Church/Mosque, 2 from your community).

All these possibilities from #6,600, hard work and  positive mental attitude


Contact: 08088000639

seventeen (17) strong reasons why you should not delay any further on becoming a partner with helping hands international!

 These points stands helping hands international out!

 . Small start up capital.
 . No weekly, monthly or yearly renewal!
 . Can be done anywhere you have access to internet, it's a global
 . Our product is service based. Removes the risk and stress of
 carrying products around.
 . Operates with little or no risk!

 Earn unlimited amount of cash in dollars daily, weekly, monthly and

 Learn any trade or skill of your choice from the list of skills offered
 free of charge!

 Are you skilled in any craft and you are willing and able to share the
 knowledge with others?
 Well! H2i will pay you for training others!

 Get either an apple iPad or HP laptop based on your choice to boast
 your online h2i business!

 Have the privilege of touching the lives of two people of your
 choice... Orphans, widows, less privileged with $1000 each from
 helping hands international!

 Get scholarship for any of your two children even up to university
 level. Two less privileged children will also benefit from h2i scholarship
 scheme on your recommendations!

 Members get free  CUG line to call other members at a reduced

 On your behalf, h2i touches the lives of your religious brothers and
 sisters.( Any religion you belong to)

 10. LOAN:
 Obtain loan up to $12000
 Interest and collateral free!

 Acquire a plot of land in h2i estate, availability and location of your

 Free Dubai trip plus shopping token!

 You pick any motherless babies home and h2i will empower them on
 your behalf

 Acquire any asset or property of your choice even with 30% down

 Acquire brand new cars,
 1st. Hyundai jeep ix25 or GAC motor!
 2nd. Hyundai jeep ix35

 Meet like minded business men and women!
 Make great and life long friends!
 Become a life long learner and a leader!
 Become a better and more influential person!

 No limitation to what you can achieve in any given time and place!
 You are truly unlimited!
 In helping hands international, we are true to our words! You get
 whatever you qualify for!
 No one can cheat you out of your reward!
 You are completely in charge of your business!
 Integrity is our watch word!

Read Also: How to earn extral income through helping hands international

Contact: 08088000639